Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 173 12/8

YES!!! Terry Tate, Office Linebacker is back! Watch the history of what could have been the greatest mime chooses his fork of destiny! Whoooo! Uriel, you need to find a way to watch this...

For our "India is a freakshow" link, we have a very good reason not to travel the trucker highways...although, this man-woman creature is about as good looking as the plain woman creatures walking about the streets.

If this isn't true love, I don't know what true love is. I mean, have you ever heard anything as touching as "I might as well marry her again. For some reason, we seem to be stuck with each other for life." Eminem's prose is incredible; he's like Fabio, only smaller, with less hair.

Cool; here's a new mammal that's not a lemur found in Borneo. I'm just wondering what the heck the World Wrestling Federation has to do with it.

I'm not sure what to make of this, other than the fact that Mike Ditka is completely insane...but, you already knew that. Still, I like the poor man's Village People, but their rap needs work.

Heh...now I know what to get my grandmother for Christmas.

Hmmm...so I can trade in my bible for stuff I can get online for free already? That sounds like a crappy deal. I'm sticking with my bible and my online porn.

I suppose this could upset some bank tellers, but seriously, trim those damn nose hairs! It's disgusting.

In case you thought your love life was going bad; at least your penis is longer than 4 centimeters...we hope. I guess puberty was worth it after all.

Well, it looks like somebody actually likes George W. Bush in Pakistan. Terrible poem, though.

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