Thursday, October 06, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 158 10/6

I had a signing right downtown in the Fashion District last night. The condo was in a converted office building; you could see the water pipes leading to the newly installed bathrooms and kitchens running through the ceiling and windows were replaced with stainless steel inserts. It had a really weird, safe house from the zombie invasion feel to it. I was let inside by the 1st grade teacher I was doing the signing for and was shocked, shocked, to discover the tiny space this man lived in. It was so small, the guy had a loft bed with his clothing storage right below as a necessity. The old closet space had been converted into a tiny bathroom and half the room was taken up with a decent size kitchen. I felt like I had suddenly ended up in New York...or Europe. I couldn't imagine living in a place like that, but he seemed to really like it. Then again, he was sort of weird. But hey, he was a 1st grade have to expect a certain amount of weirdness...

"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field."
--Niels Bohr

It's nice to see the Pentagon being fiscally responsible for once, but this is not the place to start.

Here's an interesting guide to making a 200 gig iPod nano...I'd say this is something Ben would do, but even he's not this goofy.

Make this a truly ironic story by reading this while you're at work.'s another soccer link for Mood-squad. I'm not sure if this goalie was being tough, or he just wanted to to kiss this other guy. Being it's soccer we're talking about, I'd say the latter.

O.K., so Nick and Jessica are separated...not wait, they're back together wait...ahhh, screw both of those retards.

This is pretty interesting; this guy decided to keep track of just how much money he would have lost using those spam stock tips. Unlike Carol's new Mercedes, it's not pretty.

Here's a soccer link I can get on board with; pictures of the wives and girlfriends of soccer players. GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!

This guy's face is more rubbery than a Hollywood Starlet.

Well, this is probably the only movie I'd actually go watch Britney Spears in. I wonder if you can digitally remove K-Fed?

Damn, and I was thinking of going to Australia, too. Not only are their strippers ugly, but they're way too damn expensive...oh wait, that's that worthless Australian money, right? looks like I need to go to Florida instead. I better bring my six shooter, Tex.

I knew carbs were bad for you, but I had no idea bread was this dangerous! It must be stopped!

Whoops...those can't do really do teach, I guess. Well, not this guy anymore. Comic book guy here isn't teaching anytime soon.

Scotland has been named the most violent country in the developed world...I wasn't aware they'd been added to that list. Well, they did give us golf.

Damn; they're strict in Florida. I wouldn't have thought slapping a horse on the butt was an arresting offense. At least he didn't get shot.

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