Monday, October 17, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 162 10/17

Well, I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. You may have noticed that I haven't been very consistent in these links, and all I can say is it's been a bad couple of weeks. But, that's neither here nor there. Speaking of bad, Sunday was certainly one of them. Besides being Sunday, the day before work, we lost our first basketball game, my favorite baseball team the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim lost their playoff series to those bunch of cheaters, the Chicago White Sox, and even worse, I'm looking at another losing week with my fantasy football team. Basically, was just an all around loser this weekend. But, things are looking up on our b-ball league; one of the players on our opponent from the basketball league got himself thrown out of the league by cursing at the refs and score keepers. That should make their team easier to handle come playoff time. It still sucks to lose to a bunch of punks. As we walked out of the gym losers that night, it started to rain...and I just washed my car, too. I hope the White Sox win the World Series, so the drunken, drug addled losers of that city have something to warm their black hearts while their trudging through 10 inches of snow in freezing temperatures. Bastards.

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."
--Eric Hoffer

Just like life would be cooler if people broke out into song for no apparent reason, life would be much more fun if people settled their disagreements with dance offs. You got served, foo!

Hmmm...I wonder how my name hasn't been added to this database yet...oh wait, that's right, I never use my real name.

I know gas is expensive...but this chick is just an exhibitionist slut...not that there's anything wrong with that. Not safe for work.

This guy has an interesting point about the Miss Universe contest...that I might have an opinion on if a gave a crap about the Miss Universe contest.

Yikes! A man walks into a T-Mobile store and sets a woman on fire. Well, I know those roaming charges kill, but this is still a little extreme...oh, wait, it was his wife. I totally understand.

For the "Japanese people are crazy," well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one I don't even need to comment on.

Man...I hope this isn't Moody in another ten years.

Whoa...Keanu either doesn't ever change his clothes or has a closet full of the same outfits like a superhero.

Great....just what I need; a camera that's smarter than I am.

For the those paranoid souls out there, find out who's really sending you emails.

Looks like even foreigners wanna be like Ron Artest.

Talk about having too much time and money on your hands. I like Dunk Hunt as much as anybody, but I fail to see the benefit of this little project.

Hehe...for the silly ebay auction of the day, we have Ross Gellar's leather pants. Well, sort of. Read the accompanying story.

Damn, too bad I didn't look into Chinese cars before I bought my new Mazda 3.

They really have some strange petitions online. This one I'm totally behind, though. We need more porno mustaches in sports.

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