Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 161 10/12

Not much time to write anything today, so you'll just have to pretend I wrote something witty, clever, highly offensive, and memorable for the day. Oh yeah...GO ANGELS! Chicago and anybody associated with Chicago or perhaps even went to a graduate program out there sucks!

"There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people."
--Muhammad Ali

Hey Tristan...looks like there's a good job opening for video productions here...an explosive job, it seems.

For the "Japanese people are crazy" link, we have a new car with a hatch in front to keep your dog. I bet this would be popular in Mexico; fitting people into the smaller glove compartments of American cars can't be too easy.

Wow...now this is just bold...and totally not appropriate for work. Don't click here.

Well, since that MacGyver for president site was fake, it looks like I'm going to have to vote Zod 2008.

OK...this is totally not safe for work, so don't even try it. But, this is the reason men don't take women seriously on politics.

Now THIS is a political debate that's of interest to the world. Where do you stand on the great toiletpaper debate? I like it spinning toward me...I hate trying to grab it from behind.

This is a pretty cool thread; childhood pictures of famous world leaders. Hey Moody, doesn't Ramy kind of look like Yasser Arafat?

Oh. My. God. Yet another reason to not play football...well, that and the fact that I'm uncoordinated and way too old are probably good reasons, too.

Craig's list is full of some strange folks...Normally, I'd say this is a joke post, but, being it's on Craig's list, you never know.

Well, he's pretty much nailed every single movie coming out now...but I'll still be in line to watch movie # 1.

Hehe...Jennifer Love Hewitt has been watching too many Seinfeld episodes. Then again, she's had nothing but time on her hands. On a related "Not safe for work" note, check out this great blouse she's wearing.

Six drinks that changed the world...of course beer is number 1!

Jeez...I didn't know Robin Hood was my neighbor.

You know...I really want an Ipod nano, but I don't want it nearly as much as these people. Still...how come I never get invited to these types of parties?

This guy obviously has too much time on his hands, but, at least he made something pretty cool...

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