Thursday, November 17, 2005 sure has been a while. About a month, if I'm not mistaken. Things have been extremely hectic at work, not to mention my second vacation of the year. Hehe...I have so much vacation time, I feel like a Euro. Anyways, I'll start writing again just to stay in practice, although I'm debating whether or not to start sending links again. It takes a lot of time that I just don't have anymore.

First things first; my car was broken into last night. I was working late and I parked my almost new car (although, not so new anymore, now) at a different parking structure since I was unable to purchase a monthly pass what with me being out of the country for two weeks. When I made it back to my car, I didn't even notice anything wrong; I popped my trunk and tossed my briefcase inside and headed for the driver's side door. At this point, the inside light turned on and I noticed something was definitely wrong; all the contents of my glove compartment were scattered across my seat. Of course, the shattered glass all over the inside of the car was a pretty good tip off, too. After the burning rage that consumed my person for the next 5 minutes exhausted itself with cursing and threatening horrible tortures to be inflicted on the perpetrator who would dare do this to my property, I started to clean off the glass shards on my driver's seat so I could get home without bleeding profusely. Let me just say, cleaning out a broken window from your car is one of the most frustrating things to do. You can't leave any nook or cranny alone, unless you want an ass full of glass sometime in the future. I did a pretty thorough job and only cut my hand once, so I'd guess that's not too bad. So, basically, it cost me two hours of cleaning, the same amount of time getting the window replaced, and 150 bucks out of my pocket. What did the piece of shit that did this get? About 5 bucks in change, my car manual and some copied cds that were in my center consol. I fucking hate homeless people.

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