Monday, November 28, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 169 12/1

I don't have anything interesting to relate today, so I'll just leave you with a quote.

"The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid."
--Art Spander

In the "India is a Freakshow" file, we have an Indian actress who's been watching too much Sex in the City. What a weird, weird, place India is.

This list details the 17 people you can't get mad at for boning your girl...and really, who could ever be mad at Jenna Jameson?

Great...speaking of other guys boning your girl, 50 cent would like to do that as well, at least in spirit. Still, I have to admit I didn't know most vibrators aren't waterproof. learn something new every day. Ads probably not safe for work.

When you're hit in the head by a train, this is usually my cue to make a joke about evolution in action...unless you're this guy who is apparently Superman or maybe the Tick. Considering he got hit in the head by a subway car a few years earlier, you'd think he'd stop sticking his head out like that. Of course, it's probably hard to remember anything after that.

Alright! More Triumph the Insult dog...even if he is a Democrat stooge. He's still a funny one.

Hehe...cats are so stupid. Ads might not be safe for work.

Hehe...newlyweds are so stupid. It was probably the rice in their eyes, though.

According to these Italian scientists, romantic love has a year shelf life before it expires. Seems optimistic, really.

This guy named Ronald McDonald, who works at Wendy's, is accused of robbing the store. That's what you get for hiring the enemy.

Hmmm...I haven't had a silly ebay auction of the day lately, so here's an xbox signed by one of the xbox models. Funny, I didn't even know they had models.

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