Monday, November 21, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 164 11/21

This is my first weekend back in the country and it was a nice, lazy weekend. I'm still getting over that Asian Bird Flu or whatever the heck it is I picked up while I was in Nepal. Either way, I wisely played in my league basketball game, coughing fits and all. Surprisingly, I didn't collapse and die during the game. I actually played quite well for a guy who hasn't played in almost a month, not that it helped any; we lost. It was an agonizing loss as well since it was against one of our rivals, and was the deciding game for who went on to the finals. Now, you'll never catch me wearing a Diamond Bar Adult League Champions shirt or anything even if we did win, it still sucks that we came so close for the third season in a row and came up short. Moody thinks we're like the Philadelphia Eagles, but I disagree. They actually made the Superbowl this past year. We're more like the Sacramento Kings; kicking butt during the season then choking it in the Semifinals. Either way, it still makes us losers.

"I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises."
--Neil Armstrong

I guess you really can fold a paper in half more than 8 times. Something tells me this girl must not go out a lot.

This is what that cool mom who held wild drug parties at the house and banged her daughter's friends looked like? Yikes! That's not cool at all...and those must have been some serious drugs.

Wow...who knew Jesus was a stoner? I guess we should have seen it, what with the long hair and the sandals fighting the man all the time.

This is a fun time waster; it's a card throwing simulator. Much better than in real life since you don't have to pick up the used cards. 52 pickup sucks.

I guess this guy missed the part in his wedding vows about "Until death do us part," Seriously, man, that's just sick and wrong.

Well, this certainly explains why Indian food is the spiciest on the planet; you need all the antimicrobials you can get in that dirty ass place.

Warning: This link isn't safe for work...or for anybody. The website is I think you can figure it out from there.

This sounds like the best way to cure a headache. Thank you, modern science.

I learned two things from this video. One, I've learned that the Governator is an ass man. This second, I now know where my next vacation is going to be.

I guess this is proof that some IT guys actually get laid once in a while. That's a pretty good business plan, though.

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