Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 166 11/28

I hope ya'll had a good Thanksgiving. Actually, that's probably not true. I really don't care how your Thanksgiving was. I mean, maybe in a generic sort of, "Oh, how nice," but I really don't care that much. Either hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. An interesting thing happened up at my dad's place this weekend. He owns this stupid macaw named Larry who's job is to annoy the hell out of everybody in the house, until recently, that is. Joan, my step mother, bought some rope that the bird has been...shall we say, pleasuring itself on. Apparently, it's going through puberty or something. Anyways, this has been calming the creature and everyone figured that was it, until we woke up one morning and Larry had laid an egg. It turns out Larry is a chick. These weird parrots don't show their sex organs until they're ready to mate, so you can't tell what the heck it is until it's usually too late to change the name. Since the bird likes to yell, bite, and get so drunk it falls off the perch, I figured we could rename it Tara Reid. Seems my dad wants to stick with Larry; it seems like such an insult to number 33. Oh well...

"Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine."
--Sir Arthur Eddington

I think I'll add a new category called, "India is a freakshow." In this story, a woman in a Calcutta hospital died after her eye was eaten by ants. read that correctly. Ants. Ye gods...

Hehe...I think the funniest part of this story is the idea of a French terrorist. Do they hold planes hostage with their body odor?

How strange; I was trying to see a tiger in a wilderness park in India and all along I should have been watching the road. Hell, he's even got a nicer car than I do.

According to this story, the singing star (well, I'm not sure what else to call her) Pink has a dog named F*cker...with a U, not a *, that is. Funny, my dog probably thought that was his name too, the stupid fu, well, let's just say he used to piss me off a lot...

Whoa...I'm no fan of condoms, but this just seems a little too dangerous to be using around the family jewels. (News story, but might not be safe for work.)

I haven't validated this story, but, all I can say is wow. I guess chickens really don't need a brain to function after all.

Those wacky Chinese are at it again. Ghost, you say? More like Rosy Palm and her five sisters.

Yep, that's our Bush, alright. Not that I haven't done the exact same thing hundreds of times. Damn locked's a conspiracy, I tell you!

This clip is great; giant bugs and kung fu mice. I love nature; even better, the male mouse just stands around and watches...all he needed was a beer in his paw. Not safe for work ads, though.

...and I thought Geiko Insurance had the best commercials. How wrong I was...If only I could switch to Vern Fonk!

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