Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Farkin' Links Vol. 183

When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
-Marquis de la Grange

That about sums up my managing skills, even if it's from a Frenchie...well, he was sort of an Italian. Hmmm...the two teams that made the World Cup. This is a sign. I better check my Nostradamus writings...

You'd think I'd get tired of watching people get kicked in the face...but you'd be wrong.

This is cute. See what your name looks like in heiroglyphics. I have a medallion from the last time I was in Egypt with my name on it. It looks like they didn't spell my name wrong...that or it's just a big conspiracy to make us foreigners look stupid.

So...who wants to be a tattoo artist? I certainly don't...and after playing this game, I want it even less.

The strangest part about this sumo wrestler getting suspended for slapping is...well, just go ahead and look at the guy.

Whenever someone gives you a hard time about drinking, go ahead and spout a couple of these facts.'s actually un-American to not drink! Damn sober commies...

This is what being in Europe is like...bunch of fakers. Well, at least it's nice to know their civilization is slowly crumbling from their low birthrate.

This is somewhat disturbing; although it won't be the first prison beauty pagent I've heard of. I guess it appeals to the George Costanza in every guy; having a girlfriend in jail means they always look forward to seeing you and can't check up on what you're doing.

I don't usually like those bizarre fashion shows and their crazy outfits nobody would wear outside of a runway...but I think I can be persuaded to support this look. Might not be safe for work.

Wow...underwater bubble rings...that's pretty talented. Not in a make any money on it, but I guess everyone has to have a hobby.

Looks like Michael Jackson will be moving to Holland. I do so hate the Dutch. Austin Powers' dad was right on; they're bastards.

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