Monday, August 07, 2006

Farkin' Links Vol. 186

Well, it's been an eventful couple of days. This past weekend, I did not one, but two physical activities! You'd almost think I have a life. I'm not sure how it happened, but B talked several of us into going golfing. Personally, I think we're about 10 years to soon, but it was fun to go out and make complete fools of ourselves attempting to get that little ball into the hole. The man who invented golf was obviously a masochist, because it has to be the most difficult and unrewarding games in existence. I'm gonna have to go back to tennis.

On Sunday, we had our second playoff basketball game. Another game, another loss, what else is new? Oh...wait a minute...actually, WE WON OUR GAME! WE'RE IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP! Chances are we'll get crushed by the number one team, but it doesn't really matter at this point. We went through the 2 and 3 seed, not to mention beat B's team straight up, despite the fact that they brought in a ringer this season who can dunk and hit threes like his name was Dirk. Our final margin of victory was 3 points, which is much better than losing that stomach punch game to the same team by 1 in double overtime. There's actually another game to be played before the final, but since our league was apparently inspired by the World Cup, we were broken up into two groups of 4 with the winners coming out of those two groups for the final. Really, we don't even need to show up and we still make the finals...except that Newjen loses his deposit for the forfeit. Hehe...gee...what's the downside to not showing up again?

To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worthwhile. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter.
-Aleister Crowley

So, how many times do you think she's had to endure the "Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it" jokes recently?

This is what I love about Italian you know it's obviously not safe for work.

Welcome to the O.C., b*tch! I don't care what the kid did, this kind of revenge leads to a joint episode of Cops and Rescue 911. Still, it's pretty funny because it's happening to someone else.

These women are sooo hot...and I'm not just saying that because they could break me in half.

I know that duct tape is pretty handy and all...but I don't think this is what the makers had in mind.

This is strictly for Andy...because he was requesting some T&A. That's some photographer!

A guy in Germany was using this stitck to pick up on Brazilian chicks during the World Cup, so I suppose it might be a cool way to get drunkards under control. Gee, maybe soccer is good for something after all.

...and if you needed more proof the world is made up of a bunch of morons, CSI: Miami is the most popular show in the world. I guess it could have been could have been Everyone Loves Raymond.

Here are answers to the 25 most important questions in the history of the universe...I feel like that needs an echo effect or something. Still, who knew there really are B size batteries?

That's a pretty good prank. I know squeeling tires scares the hell out of me every time...of course, I've been in 7 accidents, so maybe I'm just more prepared.

To round out the day, we have the always hilarious Triumph the dog at American Idol tryouts. If you don't find him funny, you're obviously a communist. Or a jew(just kidding! I'm not Mel Gibson)

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