Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Farkin' Links Vol. 192

If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind.
-John Stuart Mill

Although it's a somewhat sloppy statement, I can understand his sentiments. Free speech isn't about letting people say things you agree with; it's letting people say things you despise...but I think you can still beat the crap out of them if you want. As long as you do it one on one, mano y mano. That way it's not a lynching. It's just a plain ol' *ss-whuppin'.

Damn, I need to get me a Zombie Preparedness Kit. At the very least, it would keep the Jehovah's Witnesses and the magazine salespeople away. No, I do NOT want to help you save money for college or a copy of the Watchtower! Eat pellets, punk!

I may have had GI Joe pajamas...but they still didn't get me beat up nearly as much as these would have.

This is kinda neat. This chick put together a collage of a picture of herself every day since 2001. Unfortunately, the ads are unsafe for work.

Oh boy...this could only happen in Florida. A woman was mauled to death trying to wash her dog. I can understand if it was a cat, but dogs usually like water.

Speaking of Florida, this police chief had his house broken into while he was giving a lecture on crime prevention...why, that's, that's "like rain...on your wedding day..."

Since we're on the subject of strange places, here's a nice spot for a "Japanese people are crazy" link. They're not quite sure if the women only cars on the subways are actually cutting down on the gropings...I dunno about you, but I wanna hear more about women only groping.

This has got to be one of the signs of the Apacalypse...K-Fed performing at the Teen Choice Awards. How has this guy not made it on his own?

Hehe...the site is Statue Molesters. I'd comment on the juvenile nature of these people, if I hadn't done this on countless occasions in other countries.

South Africa sounds like such a charming place. I'm so glad that the World Cup will be there in 4 years.

Damnit! Why didn't I get to see any rain dance appeals to gods while I was in Nepal? That settles it...my next vacation is Japan so I can ride the subway.

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