Monday, August 21, 2006

Farkin' LInks Vol. 190

I have nothing to add from yesterday. I'm still bitter over our embarrassing beatdown in the championship game. I'll just leave you with a quote.

The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever.
-Anatole France

Here's a nice nominee for Mother of the Year. I love her justification; It is tough to find something you could do together with your son.

Who says Asian people can't dunk? Sure...they need a trampoline, but that was still pretty cool.

In case you weren't convinced that France is going to become part of the caliphate, go ahead and read this article.

This is pretty neat; color pictures from the 30s and 40s. It almost looks like it could be happening today. Usually, those black and white photos make America seem like an alien land.

Well...I found the Christmas cards I wanna send out this year. Oh, who am I kidding? I never send out Christmas cards.

I wasn't planning on using my Ipod Nano to murder anyone...but I guess it's nice to have options.

I guess there's just no escaping the deadly blue screen of death...even in the perfect world of Star Trek.

Well, this is the best reason I've ever heard for breast implants. Remember ladies, it's for your own protection.

Have you ever seen Mr. T dance? I pity the foo' who hasn't!

Ouch. I'd feel sorry for a guy getting his head run over by a train...except for the fact that he got his legs run over 7 years earlier. This, my friends, is called evolution in action.

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