Sunday, June 12, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 88 6/13

Guess who's back? I know you all missed my delightful email every work day, so I'm happy to let you know I'm going to begin my reign of spam terror yet again. I spent half of last week in Charleston, North Carolina which was rather interesting. People actually walk up to you and say was quite disconcerting, really. Women talk like cartoon characters in a higher pitch which is usually only accomplished by huffing on helium. All in all, a very unique experience; South Carolina has a long history, much older than even the United States and they have a habit of being radicals. They were the first state to declare independence from England, they were the first state to declare independence from the Union and they were the first to fire a weapon in the Civil war on their attack of Fort Sumter. You wouldn't think it from the politeness you're greeted with on every street corner.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend; I decided to add a new link at the bottom of this email as several people have bothered me about previous links. I've been keeping a blog for a while where I post each day's links as an archive, so I'll just let you go ahead and use it. Feel free to drop a comment or two if you'd like.

"I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!"
--Tom Lehrer

I'm not sure if this is the coolest mom of all time or the stupidest mom of all time. Actually, since no alcohol is involved, we'll have to go with stupid.

Study finds that 40 percent of French men would like to get pregnant if science permitted which would really help out their dying birth rates. Study also finds that 100 percent of French men are cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Didn't that show Jackass already do this? Still, I guess she's like the modern day Rosa Parks of bathroom discrimination. A piece of advice Salvation Army; if someone is shopping at your store, they already most likely do their business on the sidewalk.

Hmmm..."Japanese people are crazy" link is a touching Kapraesque story of the mugger who has his heart changed but still gets arrested. This is why they have no crime over there; they're too polite.

I'm not sure what's more strange about this story; the fact that someone actually paid Steven Seagal to make two movies, or that they had a potential budget of 14 million. Direct to video must be getting more expensive.

This is a pretty cool page full of music video downloads. If only MTV was still on, I wouldn't have to watch videos this way.

When people told this guy he needs a hobby, I'm pretty sure this isn't what they meant.

Speaking of people with strange hobbies, I like Mario Bros. as much as the next guy, but this is just the boxes are way to high for me to jump and punch.

If you want to mess with the kids in your neighborhood, be sure to download these ice cream truck songs and drive around with the sound cranked up.

Wow! This guy has some strong arms!

After her soft porn Carl's Jr. Commercial, Paris just decided, "Screw it, I'm in Europe, let's just flash the headlights." The link is safe, but the video on the site is NSFW.

Hehe...I guess this can be put into the category, "...but what about all the good things Hitler did?"

Well, if people can advertise on their forhead, why not giant turtles? I give you the silly ebay auction of the day.

Oh wow...this is just sick and wrong.

Hehe...Triumph the Dog at the Jackson Trial...'nuff said.

Damn those wacked out Katie!

...and you thought your job was bad. Actually, my job is great...but these ones suck. NSFW

I guess this is for the poseurs with the 2 wheel drive SUVs. Seriously...why the hell do you get an SUV with 2 wheel drive?

This girl's pretty amazing, but the things they can do in Thailand would blow her I hear, anyways.

The humiliation of the greatest movie villain of all time continues. Would you like to buy a vowel? NOOOOOOO!

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