Monday, February 28, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 45 3/2

Man...I'm still trippin' the light fantastic with the anti cough medication right now. In that case, I'll give you a quote of the day instead.

The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous.
--Shana Alexander

This is funny; there's a co-worker up in San Francisco who actually takes these classes. Why? I have no idea.

Looks like Oakland is going to use shame to discourage prostitution by posting pictures of "johns" on billboards and at bus stops. If they really want to shame them, they should put a picture of the crack whore they were propositioning next to them.

Well, this is far too much interpretation of a Bon Jovi song...although, maybe he can do "Every Rose Has it's Thorns" next. That song...that song is deep.

This is an interesting site...they keep a collection of people's favorite words and the reason behind it. You should send an entry. I don't think they'd be allowed to put my favorite word in there, though.

So even for the Vikings, size matters. Maybe that's why they were always overcompensating by pillaging.

Now this site is cool! Did you ever want to know all about WWII weapons? Apparently people did during the war, so the war department made some detailed posters with just da facts.

This is truly taking advantage of the power of the internet and doing a public good. This site provides the way to curse in every language you've ever heard of. So, kis em ik.

What, exactly, is a dork? Well, the BBC certainly has an opinion on the matter. (Hat tip:Tristan)

That is the ugliest animal I have ever seen...his nose is weirder than Michael Jackson's.

Here's yet another reason why I will never live in a place where it snows.

The weird ebay listing of the day; just goes to show you really can buy ANYTHING on ebay. Even supercomputers.

O.K., I have to say I've never heard of AWOL before...but I really would like to try it. Alcohol without liquid? It's the way of the future!

This site has hundreds of Sega commercials...even one with Michael Jackson! Moonwalker rules!

Whoa...I guess male teachers are getting back into the mix of giving hands on experience in sex education. This story reads like a Penthouse letter...

Wow...that's some expensive whiskey! I'll just stick to Boones...

Extreme poledancing? I'll allow it.

Just to show you how useless this obsession with safety is, they've just found that breast milk contains dangerous toxic chemicals that can harm you. Of course, babies NOT drinking breast milk is probably a little more dangerous to their health.

This story is just plain weird. This man kept his wife locked in the bedroom for 6 years...and nobody noticed.

Even weirder...well, 30 percent of couples in the Phillipines didn't know that having sex creates babies.

...and for the lesson of the day, if you're ever in a high speed chase with the cops, make sure to wear your seatbelt.
Farkin' Links Vol. 44 3/1

I have nothing to add today...except that being sick sucks.

A lesbian's high school yearbook photo was pulled because she was wearing a tuxedo. See, I have no problem with that; she was wearing far more clothing than that prom dress designed by Lil' Kim.

Hmmm...I always figured a hole in the cell of a Turkish prison was more gay oriented...but hey, life finds a way.

Here's an interesting list of quotes people said about their car accidents. Here's my favorite,"The pedestrian had no idea which direction to go, so I ran over him."

Oh boy...and I thought smoking out of there only happened in sleazy strip joints...uh, not that I would have seen it or anything.

These women sure can drink...but from the looks of them, I figure they'd be trying to get their guy to drink more.

Ouch. this guy got three lines branded around his leg...for what reason? I have no idea. It seems he has no idea, either.

Wow! This sounds like the greatest job ever! They actually pay you to watch the Dukes of Hazard!

Hehe...this reminds me of Vicky on any given Saturday night.

Talk about a "Japanese people are crazy" link; this guy has spent 30 years at his company pulling weeds and stuck at an empty desk for blowing the whistle on illegal activities. Still, sounds like almost as cool a job as the Dukes of Hazard one.

Interesting movie review of I, Robot. I'm guessing he didn't like it.

Hey Moody...Amsterdam is calling you.

This guy's pretty lucky... he managed to make it in the newspaper twice, even though he did his best to stop it.

Well, I guess this is a better alternative than keying someone's car, but it's more expensive.

You can lose your teaching job for doing Jackass stunts? Who woulda thunk it?

You won't see these cars at a car show...which is probably a good thing. Still, wow.

A man in Hong Kong discovered 525 beetles in his jar of cereal. Way to go, Sherlock; how do you miss 525 beetles? Was there room for cereal around the damn beetles?

Damn...people really will buy anything, won't they?

Pakistan has some weird rules regarding arranged marriages...

China is about to ban determining which sex a fetus is going to be because, not surprisingly, the female babies are snuffed out in favor of a boy. I wonder what Gloria Steinem thinks of these women's right to choose?

This almost makes me sad my office doesn't have cubicles...almost.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 43 2/28

I know you all thought I'd finally quit and stopped wasting my time by sending out these links, but you'd be wrong! I was just suffering through feverish dreams with the flu, so I had other things on my pink, puffy clouds and hephalumps...anyways, I'm back until my vacation. Here dey are;

If all prosecutors in Florida are this stupid, I know where to commit crime...if I was inclined, that is.

Hehe...alright, this is a pretty funny commercial. I, too, feel lucky.

A postman not delivering his mail...that's sort of a dog bites man story, isn't it?

This one is for Moody...I know how much he loves Spongebob Squarepants already, so Spongebong will just be that much cooler.

This italian rocker is going to jail for a loooong time. Not only did he murder a bunch of people in Satanic rituals, but he's also still doing heavy metal. The guy's obviously a menace.

Well...this is just wishful thinking.

Have you ever done anything stupid with your computer? You know, like deleting autoexec.bat or anything? Welcome to this guy's world.

Wow...this skiing game is a little aggressive...

Someone was a little too obsessed with Rocky and Bullwinkle. I guess it's one way to make a squirrel fly.

Hehe...rabies are fun. At least he bought this raccoon dinner before he made a move.

That's probably the problem with this story. They did NOT buy this poor panda dinner first. He probably had performance anxiety what with all the cameras. sex toys in Alabama allowed. It's the law. I guess people will just have to stick with their cousins.

Oooohhh...Sirius radio lured away NASCAR from XM. Let me get this straight...people actually listen to NASCAR on the radio? What do the announcers talk about? "Well, that was a nice left turn there...oh, and there's another..."

A hockey coach was suspended for putting a bounty on an opposing see, that's why I miss hockey.

Hawaii is trying to ban the killing and eating of cats and dogs with new legislation touching off complaints from every chinese restaurant on the island.

This is kind of a hard's like rubbing your stomach and patting your head...

Cool...this has to be the world's oldest stoner.

This is so not cool. I would probably have to go on a killing spree after this.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 42 2/23

I seem to have come down with something today; must be the rain and the fact that my heater decided to stop working last know, the one time I needed it in Los Angeles. But that's o.k., because I had a doctor's appointment today. Nothing makes you feel better than giving up blood and getting a tetnis shot in the same arm. Either way, I'm in a lovely mood today. But hey, enjoy the links.

Sock it to me!

Hehe...I can't imagine that pirates do much internet surfing, but if they did, this is the perfect keyboard for them.

It seems that a majority of female high school students in Japan regret having sex for the first time. Maybe it's because they were hoping for those demon tentacles that they grew up watching in cartoons.

There seems to be a huge demand for toilet paper in China now...which makes me wonder what the hell they were using before. Then again, maybe it's better that I don't.

This is a disappointing page dispelling all those cool rumors about rock stars...although seriously...who the hell is Robert Johnson?

Damn...King Tut is still striking out from the grave. I think it's just tomb envy, really. He did get stuck in a back closet after he died.

Have you ever wanted a gas mask, but thought it was just too expensive? Yeah, well, me neither. But these guys have built their own out of computer parts...somewhere, MacGyver is smiling down on them.

Hmmm...I guess the Black Mask bought himself a new license plate.

So peak when you're 5 years old.

Because the British have already researched everything of interest in the world, they decided to have a go at deciphering smiles. Look out Nobel committee!

The movie industry discovers that PG and PG-13 movies generally gross more than R movies because it's a bigger base audience. I guess we can file that into the "No shit, Sherlock" category.

Hehe...strip joint was pressured into putting some extra clothes on their naked model billboard ad...tastefully naked, I might add. Less genitalia than Lil' Kim shows, anyways. Guess what happened next?

Here's another list, this one regarding things lawyers won't tell you...funny, the truth isn't on here...

This dutch site helps you break up with people or cheat on them. Nice business ethics, guys. No, really.

Ouch! That one is definitely gonna leave a mark!

What do you get when you cross a couple of black lesbians and that show Cheaters? Good t.v., that's what.

Here's a fun shooting game based on the Resident Evil manages to be far more entertaining than the movie...which isn't very hard.

This is pretty cool. This site translates your name into Japanese kanji...well, at least it says it does. It probably gives you a derogatory name and insults your heritage, but it's still pretty cool.

This may be the crappiest crime of all the hell are you gonna explain to the inmates that you went to jail for conterfeiting Subway sandwich cards? Actually, I think she just needs a better lawyer.

This isn't good...I knew these cell phones would lead to the destruction of all mankind. Hopefully I'll be gone before that happens.

Meet the new feminist hero of the year...I don't understand why women always think it's amusing when a guy gets his pecker cut off.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 41 2/21

I hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed your President's day if you had it off. If you didn't...well, HAHAHA....SUCKERS! I don't like the idea of President's day because it cheapens the honor we used to bestow on the father of our country, George Washington. I certainly am not going to celebrate a total failure like Grant or Carter. We should just change it back to Washington's birthday.

This is the first I've ever heard of a tattoo getting copyrighted. I guess it was bound to happen with people selling ad space on their foreheads and stomachs...Oh well, I hope Rasheed Wallace hasn't spent all his money on pot and has enough to pay this guy to go away. iPods can get you laid now, too? What can't it do? this what women do in their rooms? about still stuck in 1985. Debbie Gibson says her nude pictures in Playboy are better than Tiffany's from several years ago. I really might have cared, had this happened while I was still in elementary school when either one of these artists actually mattered. Still, I wouldn't kick her out of bed...not safe for work, but you can check it out and draw your own conclusions.

Man...if men applied half the ingenuity they use to get around anti nudity laws for strip joints to technology, we'd be living on Mars by now.

O.K. this is pretty cool. It's a little flash program that let's you make your own music with percussion instruments.

As much as I like penguins, this is disturbing. Linux Sex Positions is the title, so beware.

It looks like you won't be able to drink as much at basketball games anymore thanks to Ron Artest and his wrestling buddies. Oh well, I couldn't really afford more than one beer at the Staples Center without getting a second on my condo, anyways. Somewhere, Marlon is sobbing at the news.

Hehe...rednecks are cool. The Dukes of Hazard are even cooler, but we'll see after the major motion pictures comes out staring the guy from Jackass. I may change my opinion after that.

Here's a public service message; if a train is coming, don't park on the rails. At least the only real casualities were a bunch of strawberries, unlike the jackass from a couple of weeks ago.

This has to be the worst defense for murder I've ever heard. I acted in a robotic state by thumbcuffing my husband and then suffocating him with a plastic bag? Yeah, my guess is some planning went into that. I guess he shouldn't have asked her to pick up the penis enlarging cream.

Oh great...the newly imagined Looney Tunes characters are now crime fighters in the future being trained by an aging Bruce Wayne, oh wait, that's Batman Beyond.

Did you ever wonder how those moons in the solar system got their names? Well, I'm going to show you anyways, you barbarians.

This is extremely disturbing. People actually get pieces of metal installed into their bodies for...well, I'm not sure, exactly. I guess for giving metal detector operators a hard time?

Well, I guess if you really want to get the law breathing down your neck, start robbing donut shops.

Wow...breast implants that continually repair themselves? This really is the 21st century!


Those crazy Ruskies...from the man who brought you the pill that keeps you from getting drunk, here's the pill that makes you STAY drunk! I already have a solution for staying drunk; drink more alcohol.

Bill Mauer thinks Christians have a neurological disorder that stops them from thinking. I think Bill Mauer is an asshat...but hey, that's what's great about this country. I'm free not to watch his crappy show.

Here's a lesson to you smokers; make sure your rear window is closed when you litter into the street with your done cigarette.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 40 2/18

So last night my buddy Dave rented an interesting game for the ps2 called "The Guy Game." It attempted to combine a quiz show and breasts...which was pretty successful on the latter. As for the quiz? Well, we got tired of actually trying to guess the answers and cheated. I wouldn't buy the game as you can get this sort of cheesecake online for free, but I wonder how this idea hasn't been used more. I'm sure there are lots of 14 year olds who would love to get their hands on more games like this.

Alright...this is really stupid, but I love DOOM and this dog kind of looks monstrous...

Ouch...a d.j. in Italy has been caught using thousands of illegally downloaded music files and been fined 1.4 million pounds...which is a lot more in real money. Vicky, you better warn your d.j. friends before they come gunning for them.

I'm going to have to remember not to need an organ transplant in Germany next year...what kind of hospital gives you organs infected with rabies? How do you even find people with rabies?

That's sad...a man raped an 89 year old woman during a blackout. I mean, I know everyone looks the same in the dark, but still, that's cold...

Trekkies fight the ending of the last Star Trek show on t.v. now. I guess they don't want to be forced to get a real life.

Hehe...the genius of the day here stole a GPS tracking device used to track criminals and was "shocked, shocked" to discover that they easily traced him back to his home.

Politicans in Amsterdam are still hiding and being guarded from muslim extremists who want to cut their heads off for being an enemy of Islam. But really, who would have thought bringing in a bunch of unemployed african muslims without forcing them to assimilate could go wrong?

You know...Donkey Kong is a lot harder than I remember...I think I've lost my video game skills. I'm gonna have to get the video game master Jack to train me again. this game is more my style. It's a giant flower eating fruit. What's not to like?

This is strange. The man on trial for kidnapping Elizabeth Smart decided to just start singing in court...kind of like Cop Rock, I guess. You know where this tactic might work? The Michael Jackson trial...I know I'd enjoy it.

This jerk put a cut out of a cop car in his neighborhood to scare drivers into slowing down. Not surprisingly, somebody stole it. about the guest that wouldn't leave. This woman has been in the hospital for over a year and refuses to leave even though there's nothing wrong with her. It's pretty hopeless, really. I mean, if the silly gowns and the food didn't drive her out, what can?

Ouch. If you think you've had a bad day, at least you didn't end up in a noodle mixer.

Because I haven't had enough silly celebrity news, this one is about Jessica Simpson and John Mayer showing some sparks. An "eyewitness" said,"John was staring at Jessica's breasts most of the night." Hehe...who wouldn't?

Hey Chih Hao, here's a new blog for ya! Maybe the life of an Iranian cleric doesn't sound interesting, but you'd be surprised.

Hehe...see Vicky, even Madonna agrees with me. A "real band" has instruments in it. Not illegally downloaded songs played in a row.

And in the obvious department, a hard hitting news report found that a large amount of money can buy you alcohol without an ID. I think they're hard at work on their next expose called, "Fire, hot or not?"

Everything is cooler on foreign stations...even newscasting. I dunno about you, but I would have loved to see Dan Rather duke it out with George Bush, Sr.

I didn't know Bugs Bunny was racist.

Hehe...Junior High School students were suspended for forming a Fight Club. Aren't the first two rules of Fight Club, "Do NOT tell anyone about Fight Club?" They're gonna have to castrate someone for that betrayal.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 39 2/17

I've suffered a terrible loss this week...I'm almost inconsolable. tivo died on my last night. It was so sudden; I never got a chance to say goodbye. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to buy another one. It just won't be the same. So, anyways, here's the links...

Ewwww....Liza Minelli walking around naked...there's an image I could have lived without. Still, it's better than imagining her estranged husband David Guest naked; he looks like a wax dummy.

Hmmm...this guy is allergic to his girlfriend and breaks out in a rash when in contact, but only during that time of the month. It's all for the best really; he should just avoid her during that time anyways.

I'm amused by this short little "Japanese people are crazy" link today...some people just don't like being stopped on the street, I suppose. This little kid learned a valuable lesson.

I remember doing this on my bike when I was learning how to only cost me 4 stitches in the lip. The upper link isn't safe for work, though.

Here are some very unflattering pictures of that sex pot Britney Spears...let's just say she needs to get back on the smack or try that Anna Nicole Smith diet...which is probably smack.

I don't know about you, but I'm a little tired of the grandma picking up the sex toy by accident joke. I'd say it basically jumped the shark at this point.

My favorite story of the day; who knew dogs playing poker would ever sell for 600k? Well, if a hunk of metal can be bought by the government for 2 million, the poker playing doggies are a steal.

O.K...a scientist has invented a condom that plays music and gets louder as sex gets more vigorous. The only question I have is, what songs does it play? Because if it's Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits, you can count me out.

Here's a fun page of useless favorite from yesterday,"• The primary cause of death for male Swedes between the ages of 20 and 23 is venereal disease." Those Swedes must live some crazy lives.

Some Mexicans are mad at doll makers for implying that a sentence in the story of "Marisol, the Hispanic doll" was racially insenstives. Wait, am I allowed to use Mexican now, or is there a new politically correct way to say it?

Those uptight British are at it again...they take offense to basically the best thing that the show the O.C. has to offer, bitch! Well, besides that lesbian kiss scene, that is.

This is a couple days late, but hey, accept it as my Valentine's Day gift; courtesy of Happy Tree Friends.

I guess Seinfeld was accurate...I still have to see a cock fight, especially considering this is, indeed, the year of the cock. Of course, I just like typing the word cock.

Well, that's justice served. This wife installed spyware to keep track of her husband's chat records with another woman which was found to be violating the wire tap law in Florida. Well, at least she isn't being prosecuted for it.

I guess O.J. Simpson can now say he's not the only one in the family who killed someone. Oh wait, that's right, he didn't. He's still looking for his wife's killer on every golf course in the country.

Great...first they want us to buy a shitty little economy car, now they realize they're losing money on gas tax and want to tax our miles by tracking our every movement? To hell with that, Big Brother!

A 12 year old girl strangles her 9 year old sister over a hamburger...that must have been one hell of a tasty hamburger.

I'm not really sure what the point of this game is, but skateboards are prominently involved.

Hmmm...I didn't know the unibomber was teaching chemistry now. Ironically, this man was arrested for teaching something readily known at Freedom High School.

...and lastly, a German couple broke the record for longest marathon kissing with theirs lasting for 31 hours. Well, with unemployement at 20 percent over there, there ain't much to do.
Farkin' Links Vol. 38 2/16

Damn...I'm over using hotmail. If I inflicted a bunch of papercuts on my hands then dipped them in lemon juice, I still wouldn't be in as much frustrated pain as trying to get that crap to work. I guess anything free really is worth what you pay for.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to look up French military victories and got this...the French suck.

Here's a fun, uplifting site called I think I need this poster on my might motive me.

Not only are the British really uptight, they are even more sensitive than CAIR. Still, I think they could have put a shirt on this kid.

Today's teacher caught half naked in a car with a student brought to us by the wonderful educators of Chicago.

Hmmm...maybe I should register a domain in the Cook Islands...after all, it is the year of the cock.

Here's an interesting class...but I'm sure it's more informative than underwater basket weaving.

What's with this rash of idiot school administrators suspending people? Since when is the word "booty" an offensive word? It's one of the only words NOT censored in a Snoop Dogg song.

Cases like these make me glad I wasn't involved in organized sports in high school; those people have too many weird traditions...still, how the hell do you get suspended for urine?

This guy is trying to teach an important lesson by using his personal experiences...although the lesson of not cutting yourself with a circular saw seems pretty self-evident.

iToilet? Somebody doesn't like Apple...but they have a point. I used to own an apple until I realized they were completely sucky and slow compared to pcs.

England may have jeopardized it's chances to stage the 2012 Olympics by making a joke about France...and the problem is what? Didn't Greece just lose their "booty" when nobody decided to watch the last one? In other news, France still sucks.

So it's official...according to the chief driving examiner at the Driving Standard Agency, women can't drive.

In case the Hummer was just to small and girlie man style for you, here comes a new Bad Boy truck that can also protect you from radiation, chemical and biological weapons, and as a bonus, like that proverbial 500 pound gorilla, you can park anywhere you want.

Since I haven't put a single Lindsey Lohan story in here yet, it looks like she's getting her own doll. You can insert your own plastic breast joke here.

Well, there you go. Next time your date tells you she doesn't drink, just give her the facts from this Swedish study. Drinking is GOOD for you.

For our "Japanese people are crazy" link of the day, here's a high class homeless man. Usually they just want alcohol, but only the best sushi for him!

Interesting...match making is joining the Comcast cable lineup. I guess you can create your own episode of Blind Date now.

Something tells me this story about a woman arrested for parking tickets wouldn't have made it without the "strip search" reference. I know it got my attention. was bound to happen eventually. Man suing penis enlargement companies for failing to...uh, live up to potential. If it stops them from sending me spam, I'm all for it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 37 2/15 you think Kurt Cobain was murdered? Me...I really don't care. I was never a big fan of Nivana.

Man...I need to listen to Moody more and watch the O.C., Bitch! I didn't realize it had fine storylines like this one.

Hehe...not really safe for work, but this would have made playing Super Mario Brothers much more memorable. You need to listen to the sound...

Here's another weird drawing in action of a woman...from the inside out. Weird, but rather cool.

Awwww...I guess Virginia got too embarrassed to continue with their droopy pants laws; maybe it turned out they still had real crime going on. I love Sen. Norment's quote about being preoccupied with pants,""I find that an indignation, which dampens my humor." Something tells me this guy is a regular barrel of monkeys.

Looks like Australia is trying to increase their population with this new spray that enhances women's sexual enjoyment and satisfaction. Once again, how do I get a job on these studies?

Man dies testing out a bullet proof vest. Some would blame the show "Jackass;" I call it evolution in action.

Hehe...I can't argue with the punchline of this ad,"Fat people are hard to kidnap." And they say Asians don't get enough work in movies and t.v.

Here's a website strictly devoted to angry pictures of our Sec. of State, Condi Rice. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. I mean, I hear some people dress up as stuffed animals to have sex...

This is what you get when you combine a couple of computer programmers, musical instruments, legos and reggae. Do with it what you will.

Wow...uberslut Christina Aguilera gets engaged...while the world attempts to actually care.

Blame Canada for being lousy lovers, and for low self esteem. You'd think they'd be good at it without anything else to do 6 months out of the year, eh.

Hmmm...Britney Spears' commercial for her perfume has gotten restricted to only being showed after 7:30 for suggestive sexuality...and the British are still really uptight. Jeez...a Britney and a Christina Aguilera link in one day...I've got to employ more quality control.

Did you ever want to practice that street corner shell game without losing 20 dollars a pop? Now we have a flash game!

Yikes! This baby was aborted 3 times, and like Rasputin, refused to die. I guess that guy in Jurassic Park was right, life finds a way. I'd seriously consider getting a new doctor, though. Who is this guy, Dr. Nick?

According to this British study, women are visually more attracted to girlie men...which once again proves women have no idea what the hell they want. You should also check out the test.

Man...we need to bring back hockey in order to save these hockey players from themselves...and to keep them from raping people in Europe as well.

...or maybe we can send these hockey players to Italy where they're paying people to have children. Whoever thought that the destruction of marriage and a nanny state that keeps people from personal responsibility would result in low population rates? At least they're bringing in the African muslims. Nothing bad could possibly happen from that.

I bet this shmuck feels just as bad as the Hornets on their loss on the night. I guess the lesson is, if you're going to ask a woman to marry you, make sure she's going to say yes.

Brad Pitt has thrown a big birthday party for his estranged wife Jennifer Aniston because, as the rumor mill goes, he really wants her back. I really hope so, they look so good together. You know, sarcasm just doesn't quite work as well when you read it back.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 36 2/14

I hope you all had a good weekend; I'm pretty sure I had a good weekend, but I'm a little hazy on some of it. What I do remember is the fact that our basketball team whooped that ass this Sunday; we won by 22 points. It was such a butt thumping the opponent's team leader got so pissed he pulled a Danny Fortson and threw a chair. Good times...anyways, on with da links...

Help save Toby, the cute bunny rabbit. It'll only cost you $50,, I'm more interested in the recipes he's considering.

Hmmm...I guess this is targeting that large ghetto consumer community, although I'm not sure they buy too many stuffed animals.

Wow...Juwana Mann is for real! I still say that's Ron Artest's best shot at playing basketball right now; it beats working at Circuit City.

For the "Japanese people are crazy" link, we have dancing robots. Not quite as funny as dancing monkeys or midgets, but it's still pretty cool.

This Asian bartender is quite cool...her kung fu is most powerful.

Here's a neat site with pictures of jet planes doing all types of things...even suffering landings worse than Southwest usually gives us. It's not exactly making me feel better about my vacation.

Hehe...if you thought karaoke was embarrassing enough...what about naked karaoke?

Because tax time is here, you get silly articles about strange this one. Still, the joke about cow breeding was almost funny.

Oh boy...Jack Osborne wants to be a fireman, now? Why stop there? Why not be an astronaut too?

Wow...I guess the postal service is far more efficient in Germany, too. is the best video to convince you to use a condom. I dare you to finish this video.

...and now you now, the rest of the story. I'm gonna be a lot more careful in funhouses from now on.

Not safe for work...but DAMN! This would actually work in making me want to watch soccer.

I bet this guy's house is fresh and never suffers freezer burn.

Not only is it a slow newsday, but this town must be the most boring place on earth.

I don't remember this in the Black Dahlia story...maybe Brian De Palma is just trying to emulate Roman Polanski?

Didn't this scene happen in the Starsky and Hutch movie? I like the excuse for selling drugs; she needed food and diapers. Maybe if she'd cut out some of the food, she wouldn't need so many diapers.

This is a neat little game about building a really jacked up house...I wouldn't live there, but it's a fun puzzle.

I knew Hillary Duff was responsible. Not like that Britney chick.

Remember that funky commercial during the Superbowl with all the dancing people? You can make your own, now.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 35 2/10

So I learned several important lessons last night. First, I learned my garbage disposal cannot handle potato skins. I also learned how to take my sink piping apart in order to fix the damage of that earlier lesson. The other lesson I learned? Don't cook. That's what fast food is for. monkeys like porn as well. Maybe we really are related. I mean in general...not that I have an orangutan as an uncle or anything.

Wow...I mean, they do prance around in tights, but who knew that Robin gets the Michael Jackson treatment from Batman!

Speaking of superheroes...Superman does have a point here. Plus...he is sort of a dick.

Damn...I hate paraplegics...who file frivilous lawsuits. I doubt they'd discrminate against him for a disability; they'd discriminate if he was ugly. Or Asian.

I'm not sure why I finished this could be because it was short, or it could be because it has Indiana Jones AND stormtroopers.

Here's a group of pictures that have no sympathy for animals...although I do like the armadillo basketball.

Blame Canada for bringing down drug prices. Especially heroin...I don't think the drug dealers are gonna like that.'s one thing for a teacher to be looking at porn on a school computer, but for him to be discriminating against Asian students? Fire his ass. I mean, seriously, how would you NOT trust an Asian on a computer? They're natural at know, like math.

Because cops in Virginia apparently have nothing better to do than look at people's underwear, a legislator introduces a bill to fine people for wearing low cut jeans too low. I think there should be fine, but only if you're overweight and wearing those's visual pollution.

I'm gonna guess this isn't the best way to get Anna Kournikova's attention...although the tattoo is nice, I suppose, in a weird crazy stalker sort of way.

Wow...that's all I can really say about this. This chick

Well, this is a fun link for the "Japanese people are crazy" file. Apparently, they've been watching too much anime porn and try acting that out on the subway.

Uh oh...they've found a terrorist mastermind in the NBA! Olajuwon, say it ain't so!

You ever wonder what's inside one of those ipod shuffles? Well, now's your chance to see.

This little dodging game is pretty fun...just don't put on all the options. It gets crrrraaaazzzy!

Here's the silly ebay item of the day...a robot arm that looks suspiciously like a lamp. Hey...waitaminute...

This is an interesting site full of strange mailboxes...I'm not sure how you get email in there, so basically, they're just for show.

Alright! It's Terry Tate, office linebacker! He's back and he's pissed off...Whooo!

I better send this to Moody...just so he doesn't try and break any boards for a while.

...and in order to save money, American Airlines has taken pillows out of the planes. Eh...with a seat the size of a child's carseat, I've never understood how the hell I was supposed to use them.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 34 2/9

So Donovan McNabb's excuse for being a jackass in the final minutes of the Superbowl is that he was sick. So sick, that another player had to call at least one play...SO sick that the player calling the play was the useless lump of crap Freddie Mitchell. That's touching, really...of course, I remember when Michael Jordan was sick in a finals game...and he score 40 points. I guess it takes all kinds.

Has anybody else seen this jewish guy sing his reggae? I know I'm impressed. (Hat tip: Tristan)

Why is it when the topic is women cheating on their spouses, they still manage to make it sound like it's the guy's fault? Heads you win, tails I lose.

The moral police of the U.S. got nuttin' on Malaysia!

Now that's one hell of a big painting!

This site has all types of fun reading. Basically, wild college stories of all types and sizes...

Damn! This four year old is bold! I can't imagine even trying to drive a car when I couldn't see out the window.

I didn't realize you could weigh a thousand pounds and still be alive...well, you learn something new everyday...

I'm not even sure what to say about this clip...what's worse, the fact that there is actually an air guitar contest or that this guy with a Hello Kitty on his chest won it?

Beware the Zogg! They shall conquer the world with their cuteness!

Try playing tiny Pac-man...but only if you're eyes aren't bad.

Here's a site for those who want their money working for them.

I'm not quite sure what the point of this game is...but it's kind of fun.

O.K., well this racing game actually has a point.

Why the heck do you need a license to run a day care center? I'm guessing it's so the government can make money off of it...those bastards.

O.K., now THAT'S a cool camera. The whole 100 pound weight is a little much, but 4 gigapixels? Whoo wee...

I guess in Britian it's o.k. to harrass and mock burglars. I can only imagine what kind of lawsuits that would generate here.

So it's official...Boston fans are just a bunch of apes.

Speaking of's a 23 year old virgin ape. I'm guessing his name O.J. didn't help him out with the ladies.

Well, any test that includes videos of women sunbathing topless can't be all bad. The gay marriage images aren't really necessary...unless both the women are hot, of course.

Wow...who knew the Megan's Law web site would give a run for it's money?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 33 2/8

Well, I hope these girls learned their lesson...which is never, NEVER do anything nice for anyone ever again. Well, that and go drink at parties whenever possible.

Sci-fi writers punk a publishing company by taking turns writing a crappy book about Atlanta and actually getting it accepted after said company mocked Science Fiction. It should turn up on Oprah's book of the month club any day now.

Damn women drivers...I blame all that suffrage talk.

But on a lighter note, if this is what it means for women to serve their country, I'm all for it.

The French are protesting a longer work must be cutting into their bath time. France sucks.

Damn! This guy can spin a rifle...and that's a fact, JACK!, retard, fly! He's gonna feel that one in the mornin'.

See, this is one of the reasons I never wanted to stay at a hostel. Well, that and the whole sleeping next to weird Europeans.

See, this is the definition of a third world country. How the hell do 13 people die during a kite flying event?'s just like You've Got Mail...with burkas. I love virgin Pina Coladas, praying to Allah and walks in the rain too!

I just love this clip. Bruce Leroy he is not!

This is actually a fun skating game...if you can get past all the Disney crap. It's exactly like Tony Hawk...only different.

Speaking of skating, check out Rodney Mullen...he's like the Rainman of boarding."I'm a very good skateboarder, I'm a very good skateboarder..."

I love these extreme sports're always expecting them to go splat at some point. Still, this guy's got some skills; he kind of reminds me of Willie E. Coyote.

O.K. This is just plain creepy. I guess if you don't have many friends, go ahead and talk to an intellibuddy...and if they want to know where Sarah Conner lives, run!

I'm not sure who the hell the Faint are...but drop kicking them sure is fun! Oi!

Here's a game that pits you against men armed with guns with...a sword. Yeah, I didn't do so well either.

Looks like they found some more erotic frescoes in Pompeii...I have to say, that was one of the more memorable things I saw in Italy that first trip. When they showed us that fertility god who had three legs...except that the leg in the middle wasn't a leg...well, Wow. I mean, how does he put on pants? I guess that's why they wore togas.

Man...times sure have changed. We have prom dresses apparently designed by Lil' Kim and now we have elementary school girls falling out of their shirts? I blame those Bratz dolls.

...and here's yet another air hockey game...I never get tired of this...

Monday, February 07, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 32 2/7

So, who didn't watch the Superbowl? Judging by the ratings, everybody in America. Too bad it was a pretty dull game...but then, we got lucky with an exciting game last year so we can't complain.

This wasn't the most tasteful, tactful thing to say, but, when have the Marines ever been tactful? To be honest, I'm glad he's on our side.

Must have been a REEEEEAAAAALLLL slow newsday for this to make the paper. Personally, I love the expression on this girl's father's face; he looks like he's considering killing everybody in the room.

Asian scientist is trying to give robots artifical feelings so they will reproduce...and kill Sarah Conner, I suppose.

Wow...I can understand the need to get drunk, but as Eddie Murphy said,"my ass is an exit, not an entrance."

The goofy ebay item of the a hard drive...I think.

I blame Canada for encouraging not bathing by living in these...I don't even know what they are, but I certainly don't want to be living in one.'s a story on all the useless items sent to the tsunami victims, such as ski parkas, moisturizing gel and Viagra. With how big the population is over there, I definitely think Viagra is overkill.

This bird is pretty damn good at making sound effects; kind of like Michael Winslow from Police Academy. What ever happened to that guy?

Damn...I didn't know the English partied like that! It looks like they're trying to limit all the cokeheads though, with a much more polite version of Nancy Reagan's anti drug message,"Just say no thanks."

I'd love to see Germany try and arrest Rumsfield...we'd just have to sic that Marine General one them. I mean, we haven't whooped their ass this century, yet. It's only a matter of time.

Yet another reason why I don't eat sushi. I don't eat magazines, either. come my babysitters were never this cool? Or naked?

Ummm...I'm not sure what to make of this film about Gunther. Zee Germans are a strange bunch, really.

This is a higher production than I'm used to in crappy shockware games, but any one where you get to play a giant rat killing smaller rats is worth checking out.

Man...Britian is not only coked up, but it's also boring. These were the best secrets they could find?

This doesn't do much to dispel the stereotype that everyone in China is an acrobat and knows kung fu.

Nice...old people are getting abandoned by their busy children in Saudi Arabia. Well, at least they're not strapping tnt to them before driving off.

Man, I think we've hired this guy's entire family. It would certainly explain a whole lot.

This game reminds me of Marble Madness...except that Marble Madness didn't make me want to put my fist through the monitor.

...and a fun quasi role playing game for the heck of it. It reminds me of gaming of old. Back when every games wasn't a simulation or a 1st person shooter.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 31 2/4

Friday is finally here...and more importantly, it's Superbowl Weekend! Historically speaking, this should be a pretty crappy Superbowl as the last one was very exciting. It seems to alternate each year; exciting game, blow out piece of crap. At least we have all those Levitra and Cialis commercials full of old people getting it on to look forward to. The FCC really needs to do something about that; it's far more offensive than Janet Jackson's plastic Barbie-like boob.

Talk about the worst idea EVER of delaying a flight...they should know there is no sense of humor at the airlines. The ironic part is that dangerous criminals convicted of worse crimes will get out in less than a year.

For the silly ebay item for sale of the interesting use of paperclips. Usually I just craft those poppers out of them.

Hehe...I think this song has already been created. Still, if it hasn't, we'll be sure to hear it at Century Club in a week.

Wow...this is the Star Wars page that keeps on saves you the effort of making fun of these poorly dressed clowns at a convention and does it for you. "Worst.Boba.Fett.Ever."

Alright! "Japanese people are NOT crazy" link today...they've proven what I've always known; Beer Rules!

Well, this is an interesting teacher. I guess all the drugs were o.k., but the second she pulled a Randy Moss, they were ready to terminate.

Looks like this drop in crime is playing havok with superheroes...

France sucks. I could leave it at that, but it appears it's illegal to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night now that they've copyrighted it. I guess I'll just have to settle for the one in Vegas.

Uh huh...I see. He's suing Disney for stealing his idea of a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, which he in turn stole from a Disney ride. This won't end well for him.

That's just gross. Turf burns apparently infected football players with's almost as dangerous as their groupies now.

Blame Canada...for being gullible fools, eh. What a bunch of hosers.

This is a pretty addicting game much like puzzle fighter...except that it's giant bear in a submarine...of course it's Japanese.

Whoa...the little mermaid is alive in Peru! Who'd a thunk it?

The lesson for the day? Don't loot.

The second lesson for the day? Fire and alcohol don't mix well.

Damn...that Culpepper is an indian giver. He does something really nice, then changes is mind a moment this guy knows how Vikings fans feel.

Hehe...rule number # 1 in robbing a store. Do NOT...I repeat, DO NOT put your gun down where one of the victims can calmly pick it up! know the drill...Old people will fuck you up. Look out for the "old sword hidden in the cane trick." It's get's them every time.

I would be SOOOO pissed at my parents if they forgot to tell me I was an illegal alien after I'd gone down to Mexico for vacation.

...and to inspire you to greater heights this the most amazing basketball shot ever to win a game.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool.
--Richard Feynman

Nonsense...I'm far to cool and intelligent to fool myself.

I had quite a signing today; it was on Micheltorena Street in one of those old mansions from the 20's with this beautiful view of all of Los Angeles on a 4 acre lot. From what I could make out, it was an historical house which was in serious danger of being torn down to build new houses. The lady who had managed to buy it had secured a loan on it so she could fix it up. What she had done with it already was quite spectacular; beautiful wooden floors, tapestries, chinese vases and antique furniture as far as the eye could see. They were actually getting ready for some party in the ballroom(yes, this place actually had a ballroom) and had a band in there rehearsing. She showed me the set up after the paperwork and I have to say that I was seriously impressed. The ballroom had a 30 foot high ceiling that consisted of beautiful wooden inlays, an option not usually included in modern houses. The olympic size pool led to the spot with the amazing view of downtown and she had a deck area with nice chairs set up to take advantage of it. Damn...I can't imagine actually living there, but it sure was fun to visit.

I caught a bit of the President's State of the Union speech last night; he seemed very confident and relaxed. I suppose the election in Iraq has done that for him. He's starting to look like he's on the right side of history and seems to be intent on mainting the course. I, for one, am supportive of that. If we were going to go into Iraq to crush Saddam, we better stick around and make sure it doesn't completely crash down into disaster. I'm not all that caught up on what the rest of the world thinks of us, but I have a conscience and a moral compass. To waltz into someone else's country and completely annihilate their governmental structure and say, "Well, have fun." We didn't do that after we crushed Japan and we didn't do it after we brought Germany to it's knees. It's not fair play; it's our duty to get them back on their feet because we're the only ones in the world that will do it. Of course, the other reason is completely pragmatic; in this world with digital money and super quick travel, we don't live in fortress America anymore. It's not very hard for pricks angry at the Great Satan to show up here and cause havok; we have to make sure that we put an end to that mindset. I mean, let's face it, France and Germany basically hate us, but you don't see them trying to blow up our Pentagon. I wouldn't mind all of Arabia being turned into another France, if that's the best we can get.
Farkin' Links Vol. 30 2/3

Ahhhh...Thursday. The day before Friday. I hate this day almost as much as Monday. So close, yet so far.

Man...these foreign beer commercials are much better than ours. If our country wasn't 10 times better than every other one on the planet, I'd consider moving.


I've never been to Hong Kong, so these pictures are quite fascinating. Their buildings look like giant hives.

I always knew Billy Zane was a jerk...especially after he inflicted The Phantom on us.

Looks like Moody might want to take a stop in Spain pretty soon. Well, there and the Netherlands, anyways. now we're supposed to take eating lessons from rats. Aren't these the same filthy animals that eat garbage?

Hehe...France, really.

If you thought Europeans were frivolous, amoral retards, well, you'd be right. This college degree is almost as stupid as Shaq's degree in General Ed.

Damn...I'd send this link to Jack, but then he'd never leave his house. He did major in Street Fighter with a minor in Samurai Showdown at UCLA...which would still be more useful than Shaq's degree in General Ed.

This is a much more simple game...but I like any game where the goal is to collect beer.

Well, I guess it's nice to know perversion is still alive and well at the Sundance Film Festival. Now that it's illegal to force kids to work in factories, I guess the only ones exploiting children are filmmakers.

This game is pretty fun, but only because I always hated Gonzo and wanted to repeatedly crush him into a wall.

Yikes...these crazy foreign commercials rock! Can't we hire some of these people to make commercials here?

Hehe...don't be this guy. If you can't drive a motorcycle in a straight line, you should probably give it up.

In case you really needed's yet more proof that white guys can't dance.

They should bring back corporal keeps teachers from going crazy and doing things like this.

Hey Abe...are Jewish people this far behind the times? This might have been funny 3, actually, it probably wouldn't have been. Shalom!

Speaking of jewish tradition...ewwww. This mohel really needs to keep his mouth shut.

For the "Japanese people are crazy" link...well, you just need to see it. It involves a chick swimming in a van. Yeah, exactly.

...and just to show that myself and my father are a complete jinx when traveling, I was thinking of taking a tour of India and Nepal this year. I guess THAT ain't happening now.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 29 2/2

Poor Rodney, no respect, no respect at all...I'm sure as hell going to miss him more than a guy who hasn't been on t.v. for 15 years and never really made me laugh in the first place.

Hehe, not safe for work...but it's pretty damn funny. The 100 worst porn movie titles...Crack Whores of Are you turned on by that title?

Stupid Germans...this might have actually got me interested in soccer.

So that's why Jude Law got a divorce. I'd wonder what was wrong with her too...didja look at the guy she wanted to swap with? Does he have an extra chromosome, or is it just me?

O.K., China, now you've gone too far. I've tolerated the communism and all the murdering and oppression, but now you're trying to ruin wine? Bastards...

The penis on a statue was stolen by vandals in a Canadian town...the question I'm sure everyone has is, what exactly did these thieves do with it?

Wow...only in Scotland...or Ireland. Still, I live by these remarks, every weekend.

Fast food restaurants must be the biggest hazard to being a cop. I bet he'll stick to Burger King from now on.

Hmmm...that's fishy...

The weird ebay item for sale for today is...get this...a drive thru strip joint. I wonder if you still have to buy an 8 dollar drink?

Whoo hoo! It's Tron! Sort of...

Yikes! Who the hell was driving that car? Usually I try to stop before I crash into the car in front of me.

Gee...I always thought Yogi Berra had a sense of humor.

Here's a new infuriating game of flying a kite. I dunno about you, but I fly a kite about as well as Charlie Brown.

Alright, this one is more my style...Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can...

This is why I stopped playing Dungeons and Dragons...o.k., no it's not. If this actually convinces you, you need to lighten up, martyr.

Wow...this is by far the best link I've seen today! It's cats doing...well, stupid things. Paul the Cat Slayer will enjoy this very much.

I love foreign commercials...they're just so...foreign. (Hooah: Uriel)

ALRIGHT! I've found yet another old clip that I loved so much! Have you ever wanted to see one of those annoying MTV VJ's get set on fire? Well, this is pretty close.

Since I'll be going to Cambodia in a while, I figured I'd add this story. The man in this story LOVES his dog a lot more than his wife. I'm guessing the dog is less of a bitch.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Getting caught is the mother of invention.
--Robert Byrne

...and how!

Yesterday after work I headed on over to the gym yet, this is becoming a habit again; a habit which I find hard to break. Hehe...Agent Pendergast is cool. Either way, I managed to lift too damn much while I was benching and I sort of got stuck. Basically, I couldn't get the weight off my chest with my own power so I had two choices; turn the bar and shake off one of the sides or be a pussy and ask for help. I went the pussy route; who knows what I would have hit had a tossed the weight off? I could be involved in some huge lawsuit now. The workout went just fine without any injuries, but I'm also not jogging at this moment so it took an extra 20 minutes on the bike. In that time, I started listening to one of my old favorite books on tape, Golden Rendezvous by Alistair MacLean. Fun book, really. It's about a cruise ship that's taken over by terrorists who are intent on...well, that would really ruin the plot, so I'll just stop there. The characters are really fun and the protagonist is such a smart ass, I'm jealous.

I went home afterwards and started cleaning up the house. My father is coming down this week and since he's never here, I usually like to straighten up the joint so he's under the impression I'm a cleaner person than I really am. Cleaning is a lot of damn work, really. In fact, I felt like I had a better work out dragging that damn vaccuum over the floor than using weights. Actually, that's not even close to being true, but I'm throwing a bone to people who clean. I
Farkin' Links Vol. 28 2/1

Question of the day is this; why do people going to the gym drive around in circles and basically waste all this time waiting for a parking space that's closer? Isn't the whole point of going to the gym to, oh, I don't know, exercise!?! Walking 50 extra feet hurts you how? Oh, right, the links...

Huh...well, this is rather odd. Then again, maybe Lara Flynn Boyle just slipped out of clothes by accident...doesn't she only weigh 50 pounds?

Blame Canada for shorting the tsunami victims. Who knew they were Indian givers...I mean, Indigenous peoples of North America...ah screw those stinkin' redskins.

Speaking of the great white hinterland, their legal system continues to destroy any concept of personal responsibility by awarding a stripper damages after she rolled down her window and let a tiger attack her in a wild animal park. Her version of the story? The tiger tricked her by waving a dollar bill.

Here's an interesting collection of stupid tattoos people have gotten. Mr. "No Regrets" is probably regretting a whole lot with that pictures floating around.

I remember back in high school that Jack really liked this girl, so he used to steal her pencil and then return it to her later as though he just found it so he could talk to her. Does anybody know if he has a thing for Tera Patrick?

The most amazing thing about this video is not the double guitar that he's's that hair! Wow...I mean, wow.

You really can find just about anything on the about shovel throwing championships?

A man trapped under the snow in an avalanche urinates to melt the snow. Well, at least I know I'll be fine if I get trapped...I'll definitely piss my pants if I'm anywhere near an avalanche.

So, if something offends me on caffe press, I can just complain and they'll take it off? Something tells me that only works if you have a history of blowing people up.

I knew coke was a problem in Columbia...but I always thought of the Tony Montana mountain of white powder. So, I guess we need to switch over to Pepsi then?

You know the line...Old people will fuck you up. Especially if they're armed. They've had a lot more time to do target practice than you have.

Hell hath no fury like a...well, lesbian scorned, I suppose. I guess she called their bluff, though.

This is what happens when you're in a hurry, and you wear a long skirt. This is why I'm in favor of both.

I can only hope out of jealousy that this kid gets beat up a lot at school.

Rule number 2,375 of robbing a store; don't leave identifiying fingerprints...OR fingers.

For the "Japanese people are crazy" link of the day...well, maybe they're not that crazy after all. I'm suddenly desiring some ice cream.

No, wait, I take that back. Japanese people are just plain crazy.

An egyptian cabbie runs a dating service out of his cab in New York. Doesn't this sound like the plot to a bad sitcom pilot? Eh...they'd probably stick us with Alicia Silverstone in some way, though.

This game is pretty fun...Hellfire! The guy needs a haircut, though.

...and thanks to Uriel, we know have proof that soccer is such an easy and mindless game, even elephants can play it. (Hooah: Uriel)