Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 136 8/24

I finally got around to watching that movie, Requiem for a Dream last night. I'm proud of myself, I didn't even consider throwing myself off a bridge after sitting through it. The story is about 4 characters who's lives are destroyed by the use of drugs...that's about it, really. Considering the message of the movie is "Drugs are bad," I'm pretty sure it deserves the ol' "Way to go, Captain Obvious!" The director of this movie, Darren Aronofsky, goes out of his ways to set up shots that seem to say,"Look at me direct! I'm clever, huh?" I guess I'm just not as impressed by split screen shots that look like they were stolen out of a 70's disaster movie or sped up motion straight out of a Gilligan's Island episode. He starts to tone down this nonsense as the movie progresses, so maybe even he was getting depressed by his characters. Of course, it takes about 2 hours to show the horribly depressing and disgusting fall to the bottom. I think the main reason I was able to disconnect myself from the tragedy was the fact that it starred Jared Leto playing Harry Goldfarb(who has the most obnoxious Brooklyn accent I've ever heard in a's like he was shouting,"Hey, check it out! I can totally do accents! Somebody hire me!)and Marlon Wayans as the appropriately named Tyrone, both of who I hate. Seeing these two destroy their lives was somewhat of a guilty pleasure, really. Jared's character's mother, played by Ellen Burstyn, was a much more empathetic character. It may be why she was nominated for an Oscar; her performance is actually quite haunting and extraordinarily sad. The other major character was Harry's girlfriend, Marion, played by the increasingly creepy and anorexic looking Jennifer Connelly. Let me just say she's come a long way from the Rocketeer; at least she's proven she can act. All in all, it's a well made movie that has some good performances that I would never, under any circumstances, ever want to watch again. It's about as fun as a stomach pump and much longer to boot. I'll give it a 7.5/10, but the rewatchability is a 0/10. For the Tristan score, this movie gets a B-.

"Faith is, at one and the same time, absolutely necessary and altogether impossible."
--Stanislaw Lem

This is one hell of a headline, and one screaming for photographs of the scene. What shoddy investigation, news media!

People need to start thinking for a moment before they post embarrassing videos, wait, scratch that. Then I'd have nothing to post.

Looks like Tom Sizemore is making movies again...apparently, he was inspired by Paris Hilton. O.K., if you really want to buy the porno tapes because he's just so damn irresistible, here's the link. It's certainly not safe for work.

Wow...Andy Dick just gropes the hell out of Pamela Anderson's breasts...what a waste. I mean, it's Andy Dick. What possible joy could he get out of a woman?

In the "Japanese people are crazy" link for the day, they just can't leave well enough alone. They have to reimagine the bicycle...that's great, for all those losers without a car, but seriously, can you do some real developing a flying car?

Freedom bags, huh? I dunno about you, but I'd definitely not carry any suspicious bags onto the underground in London...7 bullets to the head is not good for your health.

I'm not exactly sure what's being sold here...but I'm buying! Where's my credit card? Not safe for work.

Looking for a cover song and can't remember who sang it? This site seems to have all your bases covered.

Good lord...this women's soccer team is terrible! How do you give up 50 goals in one game? That would have caused that Spanish broadcaster who shouts "Gooooaaaaal!" to suffer a heart attack.
Holy fertilization, Batman! The sex ed classes at this Ohio school must be really hands on.

Uh oh...terrorists might be posing as vagrants? Time to implement my long standing plan of Bum hunting season.

What the fu...alright, this has to be the dumbest man in the history of the world; that or he's just a poor liar.

Hehe...I just have to post my all time favorite animal video again. Meet Pinky, the happiest, sweetest cat in the world!

This game seems to completely revolve around shooting animals with a bow and arrow...which is good enough for me.

...and just because...the coolest singer on the planet. Damn, he's sexy!

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