Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"Aside from his scintilla of candor, Mr. Bush is still not leveling with us. As he said at his press conference on Monday, 'the enemies of freedom' know that 'a democratic Iraq will be a decisive blow to their ambitions because free people will never choose to live in tyranny.' They may choose to live in a theocracy, though. Americans did."

-- Maureen Dowd

Lovely...I can't for the life of me think why she's still single.

Like I entered before, I'm going to try and post more often so this is as good a time as any. I had a signing today with this asian guy who's married to this white woman. He was funny because he had one of those well rehearsed voices with no visible accent that almost sounds like a stage voice...kind of like Captain Sulu on Star Trek. She was some bitter old bitch that I couldn't imagine being married to...I guess he just has a lot of patience. Marriage surely is a dangerous pastime.

I'm currently watching USC whoop the crap out of Oklahoma for the NCAA football championship right now and it's pretty damn entertaining. There's something fun about a serious ass whippin' where the other team doesn't even have a chance and looks totally outmatched. You can see the shell shocked looks in their expressions, the quarterback always looks like a spooked foal ready to run for his life...good stuff. I don't have a dog in this fight, but my dad's a big USC fan due to him attending USC for...oh, maybe a year. This is why I usually root against them, but only when he's in the same room. Ooooooklahoma, is the team that's getting it's butt kicked...

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