Thursday, January 20, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 20 1/20

Well, I guess I survived despite my co-worker's dire predictions. Nothing remotely interesting even occurred yesterday. In fact, the only dangerous person to show up in the office yesterday was Melanie's crazy ass. Oh yeah, the links...

Here's a man who combines Rocky with Tom Green...I'll give him props for boldness at least. (hat tip: Vicky)

This is a cool little trick this car does...although it would have been much cooler had it involved a flame thrower. I really need one of those...

Ouch...Greg Louganis he's not. Diving, anyways...he could be gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Cool...Germany now has a tropical paradise. I'm sure it's only the first step towards world domination...but still, I'd go.

I'm not sure what the obsession with Lindsey Lohan is...oh right, the breasts. Well, this has nothing to do with that.

If you're still bummed out about the election and wanted to move to Canada, it looks like you can bribe your way in with pizza. It is the world's most perfect food.

Damn...they really do get better t.v. over there in Europe. Celebrity wrestling? Victoria Silverstedt sure as hell beats Karl Malone and Jay Leno.

I was gonna just let this one go, but it's too damn funny...and a perfect demonstration of evolution in action. "Watch to see what I can still do," famous last words if I've ever heard them. (hat tip: Tristan) THAT'S how you fight crime! It's Death Race 2000 and he's worth at least 25 points!

Holy crap! You can't slap people on the butt anymore in Italy...or you get a longer prison sentence than if you rob a liquor store.

Well...fuck! Hey, if they can say it repeatedly, I surely can type it.

Hmmm...Angelina Jolie, sex goddess? I've always thought crazy bitch, but hey, I guess she can be both. She does have a great quote,"Meeting a man in a hotel room for a few hours, and then going back and putting my son to bed and not seeing that man again for a few months is about what I can handle now."

Apparently, women really are like cats...they need to be stroked. Us guys need to be stroked too, but in a completely different way.

In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves...Whoa! I want this camera!

Ummm...I think this video clip cured me of the need to go base jumping...

Hehe...learn to pole dance at home with this kit! That's a home education I can get on board with.

This guy's hero must be Michael Jackson. I hope they keep him away from children.

Drinking water on airplanes is getting worse...for who exactly? Who the hell goes into the bathroom and gets a drink? Get a coke, for god's sake!

Mr. Potato head gets a new version dressed as Darth Vader, or "Darth Tater." Heh...maybe they should have just used him instead of Hayden Christensen, he'd probably do a better job.

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