Thursday, January 06, 2005

Farkin' links Vol. 11 1/6

Thursday is here! You know what Thursday is, right? It's the day before Friday! Yeah! Well, back to work. You might want to check out Marlon's favorite clip today...but make sure you have sound. Enjoy.

Yeah...down with the man! There's a new sheriff in town...Shaft!

Would like to just rule at that game 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Now there's a website set up to do just that.

Gotta love this headline, "Girlfriends hired to stop nagging." Isn't that what girlfriends are for? Well, this is China, so maybe things are different. I bet they do windows there...among other things.

Hehe...this woman married a dead guy. I guess it saves time nagging him to his death...maybe she's just lazy.

Hey puppets get you horny? This may be some of the strangest advice I've ever seen.

This is a fun little game knocking down a bad singer...although I still say she's a way better performer than Ashlee Simpson.

I am so glad I don't live in a place where it snows...of course, if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't leave my car window open.

Jeez...maybe I need a Chinese people are crazy link. Maybe I should just limit it to superstitious; I remember the chinese family that bought our old house actually got the address changed because it was unlucky.

Hey...this kid's a pretty good painter for being under 10. I'd like to get her to paint me a nice velvet shot of dogs playing poker. The poetry...well, let's just say she should stick to painting.

Britney Spears wants to become a forensic scientist from watching CSI. This doesn't even require a joke.

...and in the wonderfully progressive land of Iran, a soap opera storyline takes a serial killer turn.

Physicist invents new calendar. Oh, if you were born on January 31, you're screwed. But think of it this way, you'll never get any older.

I've been pretty drunk before, but I've never approached this guy...that I know of, anyways.

This mini game reminds me of a joke. Three mice were sitting at a bar talking about how tough they were. The first mouse slams a shot and says, "I play with mouse traps for fun. I'll run into one on purpose and as it is closing on me, I grab the bar and bench press it 20 to 30 times." And, with that, he slams another shot. The second mouse slams a shot and says, "That's nothing. I take those poison bait tablets, cut them up, and snort them, just for the fun of it." And, with that, he slams another shot. The third mouse slams a shot, gets up, and walks away. The first two mice look at each other, then turn to the third mouse and ask, "Where the hell are you going?" The third mouse stops and replies, "I'm going home to fuck the cat."

Here's reason number 1,642 why I don't want to ride a motorcycle.

Hehe...and here's Marlon's favorite video clip if you haven't seen it yet. I never knew crushing grapes could be this dangerous.

Here's an interesting collection of short comics...that are somewhat disturbing.

So, is it just everyone in Florida politics is insane, or what?

Hmmm...I guess it turns out Disney really didn't put a bunch of offensive crap in their game afterall. I guess they decided to keep it for their newer cartoon movies.

This excuse sure blows that dog ate my homework one out of the water. Somebody get this guy some nail clippers.

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