Thursday, May 05, 2005

Farkin' Links Vol. 70 5/9

I hope you all had a good time this weekend, although I doubt any of you had as good a time as Vicky. In carving out a legacy of drunken revelry, Vicky really can not be touched. Friday night at V2O, after her first experience with Bicardi 151 in a blue hawaiian, she really let loose. Not content to simply mark her spot under a table, she proceeded to slap poor Jack around until she broke both the arms off his glasses. She doesn't seem to remember getting thrown out of the club, so to add anymore would be pure speculation on my part. Still, Vicky's legend continues to grow, much like Gatorade. For that, we salute you.

Hmmm...I've needed to stay awake, but I think I'll stick to caffeine pills.

How did that poor black guy end up with all these dorks? They must be blackmailing him or something.

I might have to change it to "Chinese people are crazy", but this would explain where Yao Ming comes from.

Here's a helpful list of comebacks in case you get in an argument with Ben Wu or some other overly educated engineer.

Speaking of helpful lists, here's a page with any excuse you could possibly need .If you need an excuse, you're obviously too lazy to come up with your own.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...this one could be someone's thesis.

This is a bone chilling exhibit on the rewriters of history in the Soviet Union. It seems at least one good thing came out of it; they must have invented photo shop.

Now do you people understand why I don't go to Indian restaurants? I don't want to worry about whether it's beer or not.

Jeez, if the guy wanted so badly to be arrested, why didn't he just try and rob the police station...oh...wait...

This is Australia, so I'm not too surprised about people getting bit by crocodiles. The amusing part is where the article states he was bitten...did the croc trick the man by telling him he had a secret?

Speaking of down under, yet another teacher was caught and sentenced for giving a student unauthorized sex education extra credit.

Wow...those Chinese really are trying to get me to change it to "Chinese people are crazy." This sounds like something out of an episode of I Love Lucy.

Hmmm...break out the whips and chains, people. It's for your better health. Who the hell would sponsor a strange study like this?

What a drama queen.

Why does this sound like a scene out of Police Academy 22? I thought all cops did, besides eat donuts, was go to the practice range?

Now that was an entertaining commercial. Even if it is about Star Wars.

If only life's problems could be solved with a blow dart...

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